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名篇背诵:To the Unknown Hero (Ⅱ) 致无名英雄


名篇背诵:To the Unknown Hero (Ⅱ) 致无名英雄

To the Unknown Hero (Ⅱ) 致无名英雄(二)

弗兰克·M. 奥布赖恩(Frank M. O’Brien)

It is a great religious ceremony, this burial today. The exaltation of the nameless bones would not be possible except for Belief. Where were Duty and Honor, the wellsprings of Victory, if mankind feared that death drew a black curtain behind which lay nothing but the dark? So all in whom the spark of hope has not died can well believe that we, to whom the Soldier is a mystery, are not a mystery to him. They can believe that the watchers at Arlington today are not merely a few thousands of the living but the countless battalions of the departed. “Though he were dead, yet shall he live” — there is the promise to which men hold when everything of this earth has slipped away.

All the impressive ritual of today would be a mockery if we did not believe that, out in an infinity which astronomers cannot chart or mathematicians bound, the Unknown Soldier and all the glorious dead whom we honor in his dust are looking down upon this little spinning ball, conscious of our reverence . And when noon strikes, signal for the moment of silent prayer, few of those who stand with bared head will lack conviction that the rites at Arlington are viewed by other than mortal eyes. Only in that spirit may we honor the Unknown Soldier and those who, like him, died for this Republic.

Unknown, but not unknowing!

- exaltation [ˌeɡzɔːlˈteɪʃn] n. 兴奋,兴高采烈

- wellspring [ˈwelˌsprɪŋ] n. 源泉

- ritual [ˈrɪtʃʊəl] n. 仪式,典礼

- mockery [ˈmɒkərɪ] n. 嘲笑,愚弄

- reverence [ˈrevərəns] n. 崇敬,敬礼




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