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名篇背诵:A Beautiful Girl (Ⅰ) 美少女(一)


名篇背诵:A Beautiful Girl (Ⅰ) 美少女(一)

A Beautiful Girl (Ⅰ) 美少女

威廉·D. 豪威尔斯(William D. Howells)

She was a very pretty figure of a girl, after our fashion of girls, round and slim and flexible, and her face was admirably regular. But her great beauty — and it was very great — was in her coloring. This was of an effect for which there is no word but delicious, as we use it of fruit or flowers. She had red hair, like her father in his earlier day, and the tints of her cheeks and temples were such as suggested May flowers and apple blossoms and peaches. Instead of the gray that often dulls this complexion , her eyes were of a blue at once intense and tender, and they seemed to burn on what they looked at with a soft, lambent flame.

- tint [tɪnt] n. 色泽

- complexion [kəmˈplekʃn] n. 面容,肤色

- lambent [ˈlæmbənt] a. 闪烁的


威廉·迪恩·豪威尔斯(William Dean Howells,1837年3月1日-1920年5月11日)是美国19世纪后期重要的现实主义作家、文学评论家和编辑。他被认为是美国文学现实主义运动的代表人物之一。

豪威尔斯不仅创作了小说,还在文学评论方面有着重要影响。他曾担任《大西洋月刊》(The Atlantic Monthly)的编辑,这使他能够帮助并推介许多其他著名的美国作家,包括马克·吐温和亨利·詹姆斯。

他的著名作品包括《他们的婚姻之旅》(Their Wedding Journey)、《一个现代实例》(A Modern Instance)、《银线》(The Rise of Silas Lapham)和《哈泽德的爱》(A Hazard of New Fortunes)等。这些小说通常探讨中产阶级生活、道德困境以及社会变迁等主题,以细腻的笔触描绘出日常生活中的复杂情感和社会关系。
