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Taste - 味道,味觉。

Flavor - 风味,味道。

Taste Preference - 口味偏好。

Palate - 味觉,口味。

Savoriness - 鲜味,美味。

Spiciness - 辛辣。

Sweetness - 甜味。

Sourness - 酸味。

Bitterness - 苦味。

Saltiness - 咸味。

Umami - 鲜味,一种肉类或海鲜的鲜美味道。

Aromatic - 香气的,芳香的。

Tangy - 酸味的,尖锐的。

Zesty - 生气勃勃的,有活力的,通常用来形容味道清新或刺激。

Rich - 浓郁的,丰富的,常用来形容食物的味道或口感。

Mellow - 柔和的,通常用来形容味道温和。

Robust - 强烈的,有力的,常用来形容味道强烈。

Nutty - 坚果味的。

Citrusy - 柑橘味的。

Herby - 草本的,香草味的。


Taste is a personal journey through the world of flavors. Each individual has a unique palate that guides their culinary preferences. Some may favor the sweetness of desserts, while others seek the tangy kick of sour pickles. The savory depth of a well-seasoned stew can be as satisfying as the spicy heat of a chili dish. Cultural influences also play a significant role in shaping our taste buds, with regional cuisines reflecting the flavors that are cherished by the people. As we explore different foods, we not only satisfy our cravings but also broaden our horizons, learning to appreciate the diversity of flavors that the world has to offer.



❶ 这道菜不要放大葱。I'd like it without spring onion.

对话 A: I'd like it without spring onion. 这道菜不要放大葱。

B: OK. 好的。

❷ 这里的烤羊肉太好吃了。The roast mutton here is so delicious.

对话 A: Have you ever been here before? 你以前来过这吗?

B: I often come here. The roast mutton here is so delicious. 我经常来。这里的烤羊肉太好吃了。

A: So let's order it. 那我们点一份吧。

❸ 牛排你要几分熟?How would you like your steak?

对话 A: How would you like your steak? 牛排你们要几分熟?

B: She likes her steak medium, but I prefer mine rare. 她的要五分熟,我的要三分熟。

❹ 我比较喜欢清淡一点的。I prefer something a little lighter.

同类表达 I like it strong. 我喜欢味道浓一点的。

对话 A: I prefer something a little lighter. How about you? 我比较喜欢清淡一点儿的。你呢?

B: Same here. 我也是。

❺ 我不爱吃甜食。I don't have much of a sweet tooth.

同类表达 I don't care for sweets.

I'm not into sweets.

❻ 我的胃受不了冷饮。Cold drinks don't agree with my stomach.

对话 A: Would you like some cold drinks? 来点冷饮吗?

B: Sorry, cold drinks don't agree with my stomach. 抱歉,我的胃受不了冷饮。

❼ 我对海鲜过敏。I'm allergic to seafood.

对话 A: Let's go to the seafood restaurant! 咱们去海鲜餐馆吃饭吧!

B: I'm afraid we need to change, because I'm allergic to seafood. 恐怕我们要换一家,我对海鲜过敏。

❽ 试试这个,很新鲜。Try this; it is fresh.

对话 A: Try this; it is fresh. 试试这个,很新鲜。

B: Wow, it is really yummy! 哇,这个真的很好吃!

❾ 这个瓜吃起来是苦的。The melon tastes bitter.

对话 A: Did you taste the melon? 你吃这个瓜了吗?

B: The melon tastes bitter. 这个瓜吃起来是苦的。

A: Let me ask the waiter. 我问问服务生吧。

❿ 我不挑食。I'm not picky about food.

上一篇:英语笑话:Say Goodbye to Mother 向母亲告别
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