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  • 甜品不仅能够满足我们的味蕾,它们在语言中也扮演着甜蜜的角色。英语中有许多与甜品相关的习语,这些表达生动形象,充满了趣味性。它们不仅在日常交流中广泛使用,也常常出现在文学作品中,增添了语言的风味。通过学习这些习语,我们不仅能够更深入地了解英语文化,还能提高自己的语言运用能力。


    1. Piece of Cake

      • 形容非常容易的事情。
      • 例句:The exam was a piece of cake.
    2. Have Your Cake and Eat It (Too)

      • 用于否定句,表示无法同时拥有两样东西。
      • 例句:You can't have your cake and eat it.
    3. The Icing on the Cake

      • 比喻使好事更加完美的事物。
      • 例句:A grandchild, that really was the icing on the cake.
    4. As American as Apple Pie

      • 形容非常美国化的事物。
      • 例句:Leather jackets are as American as apple pie.
    5. Be in Apple-Pie Order

      • 形容事物井然有序。
      • 例句:Their house is always in apple-pie order.
    6. Be (as) Flat as a Pancake

      • 形容非常平坦。
      • 例句:The land in that area is as flat as a pancake.
    7. That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles

      • 表示事情已成定局,无法改变。
      • 例句:We lost the game, but that’s just the way the cookie crumbles.
    8. Go/Sell Like Hot Cakes

      • 形容某物非常畅销。
      • 例句:The new game is apparently selling like hot cakes.
    9. The Slice/Share of the Cake

      • 指应得的一份或份额。
      • 例句:Everyone should have a fair slice of the cake.
    10. Have a Sweet Tooth

      • 表示喜欢甜食。
      • 例句:Even the common man could afford to satisfy his sweet tooth.

