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Guide - 导游

Tourist Guide - 旅游导游

Tour Leader - 旅行团领队

Tour Itinerary - 旅行计划

Scenic Spot - 景点

Cultural Background - 文化背景

Historical Knowledge - 历史知识

Communication Skills - 沟通技巧

Emergency Handling - 应急处理

Sightseeing - 观光

Heritage Site - 遗产遗址

Local Customs - 地方风俗

Travel Agency - 旅行社

Tour Group - 旅游团

Accommodation - 住宿


As a tour guide, I take immense pleasure in introducing the world's wonders to visitors from all corners of the globe. My role is not just to lead tours but to educate and inspire. I believe that every journey is an opportunity to learn and grow. Whether it's explaining the intricate details of ancient architecture or sharing stories of local legends, I strive to make each tour an unforgettable experience. My passion for travel and history drives me to ensure that every guest leaves with a deeper understanding and appreciation of the places we visit.



❶ 这是一座有100年历史的建筑。This is a 100-year-old building.

同类表达 Would you please give us an introduction to this historic building? 请您给我们介绍一下这座具有历史意义的建筑,好吗?

❷ 现在我们来到大英博物馆的门口了。Here we are at the entrance of the British Museum.

同类表达 This area is well-known for its classical architectures. 该地区以古典建筑著称。

❸ 这次旅行在每个景点停留多久?How long does the tour take at each spot?

这样回答 About two hours at each spot on average. 平均每个景点大约两个小时。

❹ 很高兴今天带你们游览白宫。I am delighted to have you visiting the White House today.

同类表达 We are happy to have you as a visitor to the White House.

❺ 请给我们介绍一下这栋历史上著名的宅子。Please tell us something about this famous historic house.

这样回答 OK. The house was built in 1839, and Lincoln once lived in it. 好的。这栋房子建于1839年,是林肯的故居。

❻ 现在我们正朝着华尔街前进。Now we are headed for Wall Street.

同类表达 Wall Street is the heart of New York's financial district. 华尔街是纽约金融区的中心。

Do you know what the“bull market”means in stock trading? 你知道股票交易中“牛市”是什么意思吗?

❼ 下一站去哪儿?What will be the next stop?

对话 A: What will be the next stop? 下一站去哪儿?

B: The next stop is the World Trade Center. 下一站是世贸中心。

❽ 接下来,我们将前往帝国大厦。Next we are going to the Empire State Building.

同类表达 We are going up to the Empire State Building.

❾ 出于安全考虑,我们不能进去参观。Due to security concerns, we can't go inside the building.

❿ 双子星塔建于1972年和1974年。The Twin Towers were built in 1972 and 1974.

同类表达 The Twin Towers were the most famous among the seven composite buildings. 双子星塔是七栋综合建筑物中最有名的。

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