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英汉双语散文:Childhood 童年


英汉双语散文:Childhood 童年



Childhood is a tapestry woven with threads of innocence and wonder. It is a time when the world is a vast playground, full of endless possibilities and discoveries. Each day is a new adventure, a blank canvas waiting to be painted with the vibrant colors of imagination. The laughter of children, echoing through the streets, is the purest melody, a testament to the joy that life holds in its early chapters.

As we grow older, the innocence of childhood fades, but the memories remain, like precious gems tucked away in the treasure chest of our hearts. These memories, though sometimes tinged with the bittersweet taste of nostalgia, serve as a reminder of the simple pleasures that once filled our days. They remind us of the time when a simple game of hide-and-seek could bring hours of unbridled joy, or when the first snowfall of the season was a magical event to be celebrated.

Childhood is also a period of learning and growth. It is during these formative years that we learn the basic lessons of life: to share, to care, and to love. These lessons, often taught through play and interaction with peers, lay the foundation for our future relationships and interactions. They teach us about empathy and understanding, about the joy of giving and the warmth of receiving.

As we reflect on our childhood, we realize that it is not just a phase of life but a treasure trove of experiences that shape who we are. It is a time that, despite its brevity, leaves an indelible mark on our souls. The innocence, the wonder, the joy, and the lessons of childhood are the building blocks of our character, guiding us through the complexities of life with a sense of wonder and an open heart.


  • Tapestry: 织锦

  • Innocence: 纯真

  • Wonder: 奇妙

  • Endless possibilities: 无尽的可能性

  • Discoveries: 发现

  • Blank canvas: 空白画布

  • Vibrant colors: 鲜艳的色彩

  • Imagination: 想象力

  • Echoing: 回荡

  • Purest melody: 最纯净的旋律

  • Nostalgia: 怀旧

  • Precious gems: 宝石

  • Treasure chest: 宝箱

  • Bittersweet: 苦乐参半

  • Formative years: 形成期

  • Basic lessons: 基本课程

  • Share: 分享

  • Care: 关心

  • Love: 爱

  • Empathy: 同理心

  • Understanding: 理解

  • Indelible mark: 不可磨灭的印记

  • Building blocks: 建设基石

  • Guiding: 指导






上一篇:英语作文8篇: My Village