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貂儿的祖先原本是生活在气候凉爽地区的地下洞穴中,所以它们对高温高湿的环境不能适应。直到今天它们仍然对热很敏感。一般来说,摄氏25度是它们觉得惬意的温度。高温可能导致它们中暑、热衰竭,甚至死亡。主人们应该注意,尽量避免将貂儿的笼子放在排风口或者阳光直射的地方,也不要放在空调或者取暖器附近。而适宜的湿度应该保持在50%至70%,对生命力旺盛的貂儿来说,是不成问题的。 养之前需要做什么准备?  宠物貂生性活泼,既有粘人的一面,也有独立的一面,加上他们每天的睡眠时间长,很适合上班一族饲养。喜欢小动物,富有爱心的人都可以是宠物貂的好主人。养宠物貂,最基本的配置是大小适宜的笼子、吊床和饮水器,这是貂日常生活的必需品。可以说,前期的一次性资金投入会比较大,但在以后的日常饲养上,是比较简单省心的。可以训练宠物貂干些什么?  日常对宠物貂的训练主要有啃咬训练和如厕训练两种。啃咬训练最主要是让貂儿明白什么东西可以咬,什么东西不可以咬,你可以给貂儿质地坚硬的啃咬玩具,让玩具和他扭打,而不要直接用你的手。如果他咬人了,你可以拎起他的后脖,大声说“不”,或者大声发出“嘘嘘”声,多次之后,他就会明白。在教育他时,也千万不要打他,因为打的动作会让他以为你正在鼓励他,他可能会咬得更加起劲。  由于宠物貂的消化道非常短,如厕的次数较为频繁,好在貂儿们记忆力好,又爱干净,所以在他幼年的时候集中精力训练,采用貂儿专用的厕所托盘,装上貂砂,就不难达到你要的效果。  日常饲养中需要注意什么问题?  宠物貂和所有动物一样,有饮食习惯和社交规则。要哄貂仔开心,从细节做起一定没错。饮食篇  貂儿们不可以吃牛奶、巧克力、植物和生肉等食物。而且由于食物通过貂的时间只有23小时,建议按少量多餐的原则,将饲料分成早、晚两次喂食。幼貂每次吃的量会更少,所以分5至8次会更好。不到半岁的幼貂由于牙齿和肠胃没有发育完全,最好不要喂干粮。可以把饲料用水浸泡后再喂食,让营养更好地被吸收。  注意事项  由于貂有着强烈的好奇心,为了爱貂的安全,应锁住所有的有毒物品,室内不可安放植物以免貂儿误食,鞋油、去污剂、漂白粉、樟脑丸等清洁用品也要放在貂儿无法接触的地方,还要切忌马桶盖不能掀起。  相处篇  貂是一种社交性的动物,若长期使他独处,会让他感到受冷落,他可能因此变得肥胖、寂寞,甚至生病。所以,不要将一只生性活泼的貂一直关在笼里,你可以常常让他出来玩耍,也可以和狗狗一样,套上吊带外出散步。


Ermine the ancestor is to live in climate originally in the subterranean burrow of cool area, they are so tall to high temperature wet environment cannot suit. Till today they still are opposite heat is very sensitive. Generally speaking, centigrade 25 degrees are the temperature that they feel satisfied. High temperature may bring about their heatstroke, hot exhaustion, die even. Advocate people should notice, avoid as far as possible ermine basket is put in platoon a place with a draught or the place with point-blank sunshine, also do not put in air conditioning to perhaps warm oneself implement around. And appropriate humidity should maintain in 50% to 70% , exuberant to vitality ermine for, it is unchallenged. What preparation does before raising, need make? Pet ermine natural disposition is lively, have the one side that sticks a person already, also have independent one side, add them everyday Morpheus time is long, suit gens going to work to raise very much. Like puppy, the person of rich love can be the good host of pet ermine. Raise pet ermine, the basiccest configuration is the basket with appropriate size, hammock and watering trough, this is the requisite that ermine lives daily. Can say, the one-time capital investment of early days will be larger, but in the following raise daily on, be simpler save worry. What can you train pet ermine to work? Basically have to the training of pet ermine daily gnaw bite train and use the toilet training two kinds. Gnaw biting training basically is to let ermine most clear what thing can be bitten, what thing can be not bitten, you can give mink quality of a material is gnawed flintily bite a toy, let toy and his scuffle, and the hand that does not use you directly. If he bites a person, the neck after you can carry those who remove him, say aloud " not " , perhaps give out aloud " wheezingly " sound, after much take second place, he can understand. When teaching him, also must not hit him, because of what hit the movement can let him think you are encouraging him, he may be bitten more vigorously. Because the enteron of pet ermine is very short, the frequency that use the toilet is relatively frequent, fortunately ermine people memory is good, love clean again, be in so his childhood when center energy training, use ermine appropriative toilet tray, mount ermine is arenaceous, not inaccessible the result that you want. What problem does the need in be being raised daily note? Pet ermine and all animal are same, have dietary habit and gregarious regulation. Should fool ermine young happy, make from detail certain and right. Food piece ermine people cannot wait for food in order to eat milk, chocolate, plant and raw meat. And the time that passes ermine as a result of food has 23 hours only, the proposal presses the principle of a few much food, feed feed cent twice into early, evening feed. The amount that young ermine takes every time will be fewer, divide so 5 can better to 8. The young ermine that does not arrive half years old is done not have as a result of tooth and intestines and stomach full-fledged, had better not feed solid food. After can immersing feed with water, feed again feed, let nutrition be absorbed better. The note is having strong curiosity as a result of ermine, to love the safety of ermine, should chain all toxicant are tasted, indoor lest,cannot put a plant ermine feed by accident, the clean things such as shoeshine, eradicator, bleaching powder, camphor ball also should be put in ermine the place that cannot contact, even lid of closestool of avoid by all means cannot be lifted. Get along an animal that ermine is a kind of good-fellowship, if make he is in alone for a long time, can let him feel suffer desolate, he may become fat accordingly, doleful, fall ill even. So, do not close the ermine with a lively natural disposition in all the time basket in, you often can let him come out amuse oneself, also can mix dog dog is same, cover hang oneself belt to go out take a walk.

