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第一章  总则  第一条  为规范学校招生工作,保证学校招生工作顺利进行,切实维护学校和考生的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国教育法》、《中华人民共和国高等教育法》等法律法规和教育部有关规定,结合学校实际,制定本章程。  第二条  学校全称:桂林电子科技大学,院校代码:10595。  第三条  学校为公办、全日制普通高等学校,是国家工业和信息化部与广西共建高校、国家国防科技工业局与广西共建高校、国家“中西部高校基础能力建设工程”入选高校、广西重点建设高校,培养包括博士研究生、硕士研究生、本科、高职(专科)在内的各类高级专门人才。  第四条  学校现有桂林市花江校区、金鸡岭校区、六合路校区和北海市北海校区。  第五条  本章程适用于我校普通高考全日制本科招生工作。  第二章  组织机构  第六条  学校成立由校领导和有关部门负责人组成的招生工作领导小组,明确校党委书记和校长是第一责任人,分管招生工作副校长是直接责任人。招生工作领导小组按照教育部、各省(自治区、直辖市)招生工作政策规定,研究决定学校招生工作重大事项,领导招生工作的组织实施。  第七条  招生办公室为学校招生工作常设机构,负责本专科招生日常工作,主要职责为:执行有关招生政策,制定招生章程,开展招生宣传,编报分省分专业招生来源计划,组织实施录取工作,协调和处理录取工作中有关问题,组织对新生录取资格进行复查等。  第八条  学校成立招生监督小组,办公室设在学校纪委监察室,负责对招生录取工作进行监督,接受并处理有关举报投诉。  第三章  招生计划  第九条  学校招生计划通过各省(自治区、直辖市)招生主管部门、学校招生章程、学校网站等向考生和社会公布,以各省(自治区、直辖市)招生主管部门公布的为准。  第四章  录取规则  第十条  学校招生录取工作严格执行教育部、各省(自治区、直辖市)的有关政策规定,坚持公平、公正、公开、择优录取的原则。  第十一条  我校认可各省(自治区、直辖市)招生主管部门根据教育部有关规定制定的加分政策,但原则上考生加分分值累计不得超过20分。  第十二条  我校根据各省(自治区、直辖市)生源情况确定调档比例,实行平行志愿投档的省份(批次),调档比例原则上控制在105%以内;实行非平行志愿投档的省份(批次),调档比例原则上控制在120% 以内。平行志愿的省份(批次),若计划未完成则参加省级招生主管部门统一安排的征集志愿录取;非平行志愿的省份(批次),我校优先录取第一志愿的考生,在第一志愿生源不足的情况下,可接收非第一志愿的考生。  第十三条  非艺术类专业,实行“分数优先”的原则,按照考生总分(含加分)从高分到低分进行录取,不设专业级差。当考生填报的所有专业志愿均未满足时,服从专业调剂的考生由学校根据录取情况调剂到未录满专业;不服从调剂者,作退档处理。  第十四条  当考生总分(含加分)出现分数相同的情况时,则按照以下排序规则排出位次从高到低进行录取。  理工科类考生按以下规则排出位次:  总分(总成绩+加分分值)——总成绩(高考各科成绩之和)——数学科成绩——语文科成绩——综合科成绩——外语科成绩(不含口试成绩)。  文史科类考生按以下规则排出位次:  总分(总成绩+加分分值)——总成绩(高考各科成绩之和)——语文科成绩——数学科成绩——综合科成绩——外语科成绩(不含口试成绩)。  第十五条  按照内蒙古自治区教育招生考试中心有关文件规定,我校在内蒙古自治区实行“招生计划1:1范围内按专业志愿排队录取”的录取规则。  第十六条  艺术类专业考生按综合分从高到低顺序录取。综合分=艺术分(按比例折合成百分制)×60%+文化分(按比例折合成百分制)×40%)。若出现综合分相同的情况,则按艺术分从高到低顺序录取;若艺术分相同,则按文化分从高到低顺序录取(参照第十四条)。  第十七条  报考我校艺术类专业的考生要求无色盲。报考我校表演专业的考生要求男生身高不低于178cm(河北省考生要求男生身高不低于180cm),女生身高不低于168cm。  第十八条  在高考综合改革试点省(自治区、直辖市)按其高考改革方案相关规定进行投档录取。考生的选考科目须符合我校要求。  第十九条  报考我校高水平运动队、少数民族预科班、边防军人子女预科班等类型的考生,按国家有关文件和学校的相应规定投档录取。  第二十条  我校各专业外语教学中,主要采用英语教学(外国语言文学类专业除外)。我校中外合作办学专业外方合作院校均为英语国家院校,非英语语种的考生填报志愿时应慎重。报考英语专业的考生统考外语语种限定为英语。  第二十一条  我校按大类招生的专业,学生入学一年或两年后,根据学校相关规定在专业大类内确定专业。  第二十二条  各专业录取时对考生性别、应往届均无限制。  第二十三条  录取体检标准按教育部和卫生部、中国残疾人联合会颁布的《普通高等学校招生体检工作指导意见》(教学〔2003〕3号)和《教育部办公厅卫生部办公厅关于普通高等学校招生学生入学身体检查取消乙肝项目检测有关问题的通知》(教学厅〔2010〕2号)的有关规定执行。  第二十四条  录取结果由各省(自治区、直辖市)招生主管部门统一公布。我校的录取结果通过考生所在省级招生主管部门审核后,将在学校招生信息网和招生办公众号上提供查询。  第五章 入学与录取资格复查  第二十五条  被我校录取的新生,应在我校规定的时间到校办理报到等手续。不能按时报到的新生,应向我校提出书面申请,经同意方可延期报到。对未经我校同意逾期不报到的新生,视为自行放弃入学资格。  第二十六条  新生入学三个月内,学校将根据教育部有关规定进行新生录取资格复查,凡不符合录取要求或弄虚作假者,取消入学资格,并通报给所在省招生主管部门和中学,按照有关规定处理。  第二十七条  入学报到后,艺术类专业、高水平运动队等特殊类型录取的新生,应参加专业或特长复测,复测不合格者取消入学资格;重点高校招收农村学生专项计划录取的新生,复查报考资格,复查不合格者取消入学资格。  第二十八条  在校期间,一经发现并查实在高考报名、考试、录取等环节中弄虚作假者,学校将依据国家相关法律法规进行处理。


Released on May 27, 2021 according to net of the university entrance exam about university of Guilin electron science and technology the recruit students constitution 2021 has content:

The first chapter General principles the first Work for normative school recruit students, make sure job of school recruit students goes on wheels, cogent the legitimate rights and interests that safeguards the school and examinee, basis " People's Republic of China teachs a law " , " law of higher education of People's Republic of China " wait for legal laws and regulations and Ministry of Education to concern a provision, combinative school is effective, make this way. The 2nd School full name: University of Guilin electron science and technology, school code: 10595. The 3rd The school is fair do, full-time is common colleges and universities, it is national industry and informatization ministry and Guangxi build bureau of industry of science and technology of national defense of college, nation and Guangxi to build college, nation in all in all " capability of base of college of ministry of Chinese and Western builds a project " key of selected college, Guangxi builds a college, education includes doctoral graduate student, Master graduate student, undergraduate course, high office (specialized subject) inside of all kinds and advanced technical qualified personnel. The 4th The school has Guilin city to spend campus of river campus, golden pheasant mountain, 6 campuses closing a road and campus of the North sea of city of the North sea. The 5th This constitution applies to my school recruit students of undergraduate course of full-time of common the university entrance exam works. The 2nd chapter Origanization construction the 6th The school establishs the recruit students job that comprises by school leadership and concerned branch chief to head a group, secretary of clear school Party committee and president are person of the first responsibility, vice-president of job of recruit students of be assigned personal responsibility for is direct responsibility person. Recruit students job heads a group according to Ministry of Education, each province (municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government) regulation of policy of recruit students job, research decides job of school recruit students weighs big item, the organization that heads recruit students work is carried out. The 7th Recruit students office is standing body of job of school recruit students, be in charge of routine of this specialized subject recruit students, main responsibility is: Implement policy of concerned recruit students, make recruit students way, begin recruit students conduct propaganda, make up call the score plan of origin of recruit students of the major that save cent, the organization is carried out admit the job, coordinate and handle the issue is concerned in admitting the job, the organization admits a qualification to undertake checking waiting to the new student. The 8th The school establishs recruit students to control a group, the office is set in school age appoint censorial room, be in charge of admitting the job to undertake supervisory to recruit students, accept and processing is concerned inform against complain. The 3rd chapter Recruit students plans the 9th Plan of school recruit students is saved through each (municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government) website of constitution of recruit students of branch of recruit students director, school, school announce to examinee and society, save with each (municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government) branch of recruit students director announces to allow. The 4th chapter Admit regulation the 10th School recruit students admits the job to carry out Ministry of Education, each province strictly (municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government) concerned policy regulation, hold to the fair, just, open, principle that enroll only outstanding people. Eleventh My school recognizes each province (municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government) the policy adding cent that recruit students is in charge of a branch to be made about the regulation according to Ministry of Education, but in principle examinee adds minute of accumulative total that assign a value to must not exceed 20 minutes. Dozenth My school ground is saved each (municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government) circumstance of source of student moves archives scale certainly, execute parallel volunteer the province that delivers file (batch) , control of in principle of the scale that move archives is in 105% less than; Execute blame is parallel and volunteer the province that delivers file (batch) , control of in principle of the scale that move archives is in 120% less than. Parallel and volunteer province (batch) , if the plan is half-baked,attend provincial recruit students to be in charge of what the branch unites arrangement to collect volunteer admit; The province with parallel and volunteer blame (batch) , my officer is first admit the first volunteer examinee, in the first volunteer source of student insufficient circumstance falls, can receive be not the first volunteer examinee. Thirteenth Blame is artistic kind of major, execute " the grade is first " principle, always divide according to examinee (contain add cent) undertake admitting to small fraction from high component, do not set professional class difference. All major when examinee fill in a form and submit it to the leadership are volunteer when all was not being satisfied, the examinee that obedient major adjusts did not record full major according to admitting a circumstance to be adjusted by the school; The disobedient person that adjust, make the processing that withdraw file. The 14th Always divide when examinee (contain add cent) when the situation with occurrence same mark, criterion according to seating arrangement of eduction of regulation of the following sort from arrive high low undertake admitting. Manage engineering course kind examinee presses seating arrangement of the following and regular eduction: Total cent (assembly accomplishment + the cent that add cent is worth) -- assembly accomplishment (the university entrance exam the sum of each section grade) -- mathematical section grade -- Chinese section grade -- integrated section grade -- grade of foreign language section (do not contain oral achievement. Literary history division kind examinee presses seating arrangement of the following and regular eduction: Total cent (assembly accomplishment + the cent that add cent is worth) -- assembly accomplishment (the university entrance exam the sum of each section grade) -- Chinese section grade -- mathematical section grade -- integrated section grade -- grade of foreign language section (do not contain oral achievement. The 15th Teach regulation of relevant document of entrance exam center according to the Nei Monggol Autonomous Region, my school is executed in the Nei Monggol Autonomous Region " recruit students plans 1:1Major is pressed inside limits volunteer queue up to admit " admit regulation. The 16th Artistic examinee presses kind of major to be divided integratedly from arrive high small order is admitted. Art of integrated cent = is divided (break synthetic hundred mark system in proportion) 60% + culture divides × (break synthetic hundred mark system in proportion) × 40% ) . If appear to divide same situation integratedly, divide by art from arrive high small order is admitted; If artistic cent is identical, divide by culture from arrive high small order is admitted (consult the 14th) . The seventeenth Enter oneself for an examination my school is artistic the examinee of kind of major asks not to have achromatopsia. Enter oneself for an examination the height of examinee requirement schoolboy with my school professional performance not under 178cm (height of schoolboy of requirement of Heibei province examinee not under 180cm) , schoolgirl height not under 168cm. The 18th Pilot province is reformed integratedly in the university entrance exam (municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government) by program of reform of its the university entrance exam relevant provision undertakes archives is admitted casting. Of examinee anthology take an examination of course to must accord with my school requirement. The 19th Enter oneself for an examination the examinee of the type such as class of class of preparatory of group of movement of my school high level, minority, preparatory of children of frontier defence soldier, the relevant provision that presses national relevant document and school casts archives to admit. The 20th My school in education of each professional foreign language, basically use English teacher and student (literature of foreign language character kind professional except) . Managerial major of collaboration of my school China and foreign countries is foreign cooperative school all is English country school, the Ying Shen when the examinee fill in a form and submit it to the leadership that is not English language is volunteer is heavy. Enter oneself for an examination the examinee all of English major takes an examination of demarcate of foreign language language to be English. The 21st My school presses the major of kinds of big recruit students, student enter a school a year or after two years, according to the school relevant provision is in kinds major is big inside affirmatory major. The 22nd When each major is admitted, fasten to examinee sex, should go to all absoluteness. The 23rd Those who admit check-up standard to be promulgated by federation of disabled of Ministry of Education and Ministry of Public Health, China " opinion of guidance of job of check-up of recruit students of common colleges and universities " (education 〔 2003 〕 3) with " general office of Ministry of Public Health of general office of Ministry of Education is checked about body of enter a school of student of recruit students of common colleges and universities cancel second liver. The 24th Admit a result to be saved by each (municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government) branch of recruit students director is unified announce. Of my school after admitting a result to be in provincial recruit students to be in charge of sectional examine and verify through examinee, will handle official bussiness in website of school recruit students and recruit students inquiry is offerred on many number. Enter a school of the 5th chapter and admit a qualification to check the 25th By the new student that my school admits, the time that should provide in my school reports for duty to school-run manage wait for formalities. Cannot sign up for the new student that reach on time, answer to offer written application to my school, report for duty via agreeing to just can adjourn. To agreeing with the new student that exceed the time limit does not report for duty without my school, regard proper motion as to abandon qualification of enter a school. The 26th New student enter a school inside 3 months, the school will undertake about the regulation according to Ministry of Education the new student admits a qualification to check, every does not accord with the person that admit requirement or practise fraud, cancel qualification of enter a school, report a place to save recruit students to be in charge of branch and middle school, according to concerned regulation processing. The 27th After enter a school reports for duty, the special kind such as group of movement of artistic kind of major, high level records taken new life, should attend major or specialty answer is measured, answer measure unqualified person cancel qualification of enter a school; Key college recruits the new student that special plan admits rural student, check enter oneself for an examination qualification, check unqualified person cancel qualification of enter a school. The 28th During school, once discovery checks honest the university entrance exam to sign up, the exam, person that admit the practise fraud in waiting for link, legal laws and regulations undertakes handling related country of school general basis.

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