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一、朝鲜旅游签证 :做朝鲜旅游签证必须从有出境旅游资质的正规旅行社报团,从而做随团旅游团体签证,停留期一般在7天以内。

1、 新义州一日游签证:新义州一日游签证分持护照和持身份证两种情况。持护照办理朝鲜旅游签证签证需要提前4天以上将护照复印件及身份证复印件传真至我社,并同时提供工作单位及职务等信息。出境前一天中午前将将护照原件及2张2寸彩色照片送至我社,办理签证(如本人不能到场,可将材料提前快递至我社办理)。 持身份证办理朝鲜旅游签证需提前4天以上将身份证复印件传真至我社,并同时提供工作单位及职务,本人出境前一天中午前持身份证原件到丹东市公安局办理面见手续。





1 朝鲜旅游必须用护照出境,申领护照所需材料:居民身份证、户口簿。

2 去您的户口所在地公安局出入境管理处,填写“中国公民出国申请审批表”一份(即使您不出国也可领表填写,申领护照,没有限制)。



5收费:240 元








1. 中文个人信息资料表

2. 护照及老护照原件(至少还有6个月的有效期)

3. 2张2寸白底彩照(3.5*4.5厘米)

4. 朝鲜公司的邀请函复印件(需外交部申请后传真至领馆)





Korea travel does not have visa of free travel tourism temporarily, offer travel visa only at present.

At present Korea travel visa has two kinds only:

One, Korea travel visa: Do Korea travel visa must from have leave the country the standard travel agent of travel aptitude signs up for a group, do visa of group of the tourism that follow a group thereby, retention is in commonly 7 days of less than.

1, new justice city swims one day visa: New justice city swims one day visa cent is held passport and hold id card two kinds of circumstances. Hold a passport to do visa of visa of manage Korea travel to need to shift to an earlier date 4 days to reach Id photocopy to fax with admiral passport photocopy to my company, provide the information such as working unit and post at the same time. Leave the country 2 pieces will reach passport original before midday before today 2 inches of chromophotograph send to my company, conduction visa (cannot show up like oneself, can shift to an earlier date material express is dealt with to my company) . Hold Id to deal with Korea travel visa to need to shift to an earlier date 4 days to come with fax of admiral Id photocopy my company, offer working unit and job at the same time, oneself leave the country Id original is held to arrive before midday before today red east city public security bureau deals with a face to see formalities.

2, smooth soil much day swims visa: Need to shift to an earlier date 7 days to be faxed with admiral passport photocopy and Id photocopy to me the company provides working unit and functionary information at the same time, leave the country 2 pieces will reach passport original before midday before today 2 inches of chromophotograph send to my company, conduction visa (cannot show up like oneself, can shift to an earlier date material express is dealt with to my company) .

Travel visa notice

Because illicit is common,hold People's Republic of China the passport must do appropriate visa before entering Korea area. Can be stationed in to Korea China embassy seeks advice.

Korea travel visa prepares data:

1 Korea travel must leave the country with the passport, explain get passport place to require data: Dweller Id, booklet of registered residence.

2 go to office of your government of condition of discrepancy of public security bureau of seat of registered permanent residence, fill in " Chinese citizen application going abroad examines and approve a watch " (although you do not go abroad to also can lead a list,fill in, explain get a passport, did not restrict) .

3 near futures 2 inches of chromophotograph 2 pieces, to ensure quality, need films in spot of public security bureau digital photograph.

4 the fastest need 5 weekday, passport period of efficacy 10 years, it is you go inside 10 years the papers with any national necessary travel, expire to still can reissue.

5 collect fees: 240 yuan

Temporarily pass

According to the policy April 2007, for convenient mainland tourist, the visa that travels into Korea and temporarily the pass is absolved. Chinese tourist wants the on-the-job proof that opens by 2 inches of passport original, Id original, photographs and unit only, can travel into face. Jilin Hui spring port can pass through only border land swims, deepness swims must pass Liaoning red east port. From Shenyang non-stop flight to smooth soil also enjoys equal treatment. Seem to be able to keep 3-4 day only nevertheless. Temporarily pass need is dealt with through attending travel agent to arrange.

2, Korea business affairs inspects visa:

Can shift to an earlier date 15 days to apply for, need to offer inspect project, date, inspect person nature information, number to wait. Wait for Korea government to approve intercurrent invitation letter churchyard of rear accessibility Korea makes an on-the-spot investigation into peddling Wu.

Notice of business affairs visa

The visa of type of conduction business affairs, and must face square the company there sends invitation letter.

Visa of Korea business affairs prepares data:

1.Data of Chinese individual information is expressed

2.Passport and old passport original (the term of validity that still has 6 months at least)

3.Colour of 2 pieces of 2 inches of white bottoms are illuminated (3.5*4.5 centimeter)

4.The invitation letter photocopy of Korea company (the fax after needing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to apply for comes get a house)

Avoid a label

According to two countries agreement, common passport exempts diplomacy of hold People's Republic of China, official, on business visa enters a country, but just must recieve an unit to invite by face just can head for Korea to visit.

General period of efficacy is the entry visa that goes to Korea 6 months, calculate since the day that sign and issue, retention to enter a country the sun of Korea rises calculate. But concern a provision according to Korea visa, must enter a country inside visa period of efficacy and leave the country, namely retention of hold office at court is restricted to include inside visa period of efficacy, must not exceed visa period of efficacy to stay. Long-term and resident (6 months above) foreigner, should dealing with the day that registers habitat to rise 7 days inside deal with relevant formalities and explain get a foreigner resident card.

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