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1. **选择位置**:选择一个安静、清洁的地方,避免直接面对厕所、厨房等不洁的地方。

2. **准备灵台**:可以选择一个小型的供台或者供桌,尺寸可以根据实际空间和需要来选择,一般会摆放在一个高出地面的位置。

3. **摆放神像或画像**:可以根据个人信仰,选择摆放道教神像或者画像,比如三清、玉皇大帝等。可以根据灵台的大小选择适合的神像尺寸。

4. **供品摆放**:摆放香炉、香烛、水果、花等供品,表示虔诚和敬意。香炉通常放在灵台的中间或者右侧,香烛放在香炉旁边,供品可以摆放在灵台的周围。

5. **布置摆件**:可以根据个人喜好和信仰,摆放一些象征吉祥和祝福的摆件,比如八卦、风水镇宅物等。

6. **定期祭祀**:摆放好后,定期进行祭祀,表示对神灵的尊敬和信仰。



Taoism consecrate clever stage puts a side that standing by a room normally, for instance corner or on the side of the cabinet. Put means specificly to be able to be adjusted according to the individual's belief and space, but generally speaking, can undertake putting according to the following measure:

1.** chooses positional ** : Choose a quiet, clean place, avoid to face the feculent place such as toilet, kitchen directly.

2.** prepares clever stage ** : Can choose a diminutive to offer a desk or altar, dimension can choose according to actual space and need, general meeting puts the position in ground of a tower above.

3.** puts God or picture ** : Can according to individual belief, the choice puts Taoism God or picture, for instance 3 Qing Dynasty, The Jade Emperor. Can choose suitable God dimension according to the size of clever stage.

4.** offerings puts ** : Put the offerings such as censer, joss sticks and candles, fruit, flower, express to be mixed piously devoir. Censer puts in clever stage normally among or on the right side of, joss sticks and candles is put by censer, offerings can be put in clever stage all round.

5.** decorates place a ** : Can mix according to individual be fond of devotional, put a few indicative auspicious auspicious of the blessing place, for instance the Eight Diagrams, geomantic town curtilage content.

6.** is fixed and sacred ** : After been put, undertake regularly sacred, express the respect to deities and belief.

The way that puts clever station is OK because of the person different, but important is to maintain a heart sincere, esteem is devotional.
