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1. **清洁和准备**:首先确保你选择的花朵是新鲜的,并且去掉任何枯萎或破损的部分。然后用清水轻轻洗净花朵,让它们焕发出清新的气息。

2. **准备供奉物**:在供奉花朵的时候,通常会配合其他的供品,比如香烛、水果或者其他食物。你可以根据自己的信仰或者文化传统选择适合的供品。

3. **摆放花朵**:将三朵白花摆放在一个容器中,可以是花瓶、碗或者其他的器皿。可以选择将它们摆放成一个三角形,或者其他形状,以展现出美感和庄重。

4. **祈祷或致辞**:在供奉的过程中,可以默默祈祷或者说出一些致辞,表达你的敬意和祝福。

5. **燃烧香烛**:如果有香烛的话,可以点燃它们,以象征祈祷和心灵的净化。

6. **结束仪式**:结束供奉的仪式后,可以将花朵放置在合适的位置,或者将它们留在祭坛上供奉一段时间。



Consecrate is spent 3 times in vain is to serve as a kind normally sacred the behavior that perhaps greets. You can choose a few specific meanses to undertake consecrate:

1.** cleanness and preparative ** : The flower that ensures you choose above all is fresh, and take out the part of any wither or damaged. Use clear water next gently abluent flower, let their coruscate give pure and fresh flavor.

2.** prepares consecrate content ** : In consecrate flower when, connect regular meeting to cooperate other offerings, joss sticks and candles, fruit is for instance other perhaps food. You are OK the belief according to oneself or the offerings that culture tradition chooses to suit.

3.** puts flower ** : 3 Bai Hua is put in a container, can be the containers esp. for use in the house with vase, other perhaps bowls. Can choose to put them a triangle, other perhaps form, in order to show an aesthetic feeling and grave.

4.** prays or speech ** : In the process of consecrate, can pray silently or speak a few speeches, convey your devoir and blessing.

5.** lights ** of candle of burn joss sticks: If have joss sticks and candles, can ignite them, pray in order to symbolize and of the heart purify.

6.** ends ceremonial ** : After the ceremony that ends consecrate, can place flower in proper place, perhaps leave them in the consecrate on altar period of time.

Remember, the means of consecrate flower is OK because of setting of devotional, culture and individual preference differ somewhat, can undertake adjustment according to oneself circumstance so.
