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1. **准备供品**:准备一些香、水果、鲜花等供品。雷公令牌的供奉通常不需要太多繁琐的仪式,但诚心供养是最重要的。

2. **清洁净台**:在供奉雷公令牌的台上清洁干净,保持整洁。

3. **点燃香火**:点燃香火,表示虔诚地向雷神祈祷。

4. **念经祷告**:可以根据个人的喜好选择一些道教经文或者自己的祈愿,诚心地向雷神祈求保佑和庇护。

5. **摆放供品**:把准备好的供品摆放在供台上,可以整齐地摆放在雷公令牌前,表达诚心和尊敬。

6. **诚心祈祷**:在心中默念自己的祈求或者向雷神表达感恩和敬意。

7. **结束供奉**:祈祷结束后,表示诚心的供奉已经完成,可以熄灭香火,并保持供台的整洁。



Taoism Thunder God makes the means of card consecrate OK differ somewhat according to the individual's belief and habit, but follow the following move commonly:

1.** prepares offerings ** : Plan the offerings such as a few sweet, fruits, flower. The consecrate of your card does not need Thunder God normally too much and trival ceremony, it is the most important that Dan Cheng heart makes offerings to.

2.** of ** cleanness only station: Make the cleanness on the stage of the card clean in consecrate Thunder God, keep neat.

3.** ignites burning incense ** : Ignite burning incense, express to pray to Thor piously.

4.** of prayer of ** recite scriptures: Can choose lection of a few Taoism according to the individual's be fond of or oneself invocatory, sincere ground petitions to bless and shelter to Thor.

5.** puts offerings ** : Put ready offerings in go up for the stage, put trimly make in Thunder God before the card, express sincere desire and respect.

6.** sincere desire prays ** : Petition in what the silent in the heart reads aloud him or be thankful to Thor expression and devoir.

7.** ends consecrate ** : Pray after the end, state sincere consecrate has been finished, can extinguish burning incense, maintain those who offer a desk is neat.

As a whole, the consecrate process of your card emphasizes Thunder God be being mixed in earnest devotional, be opposite in expression again the belief of Thor and devoir.
