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1. **祭祀仪式:** 可以选择一个安静、恭敬的场所,进行简单的祭祀仪式。可以点香、烧纸钱,并念诵祈祷文。

2. **捐赠:** 你可以考虑捐赠一些东西,比如食物、衣物、或者给慈善机构捐款,以代表对路过者的敬意和善意。

3. **祈福:** 你可以默默地为路过者祈福,希望他们在来世能够得到平安和幸福。

4. **心灵祷告:** 无需特别的仪式,只需在心中默默地祈祷,表达对路过者的祝福和安慰即可。



Person embryo is transient this kind of circumstance is not common in traditional culture, but if you think consecrate, can consider the following method:

1.** sacred ceremony: ** can select a quiet, deferential site, undertake simple sacred ceremony. Can nod sweet, burn paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead, recite pray prayer.

2.** donates: You can consider ** contribute something, for instance food, clothings, perhaps give beneficent orgnaization contribute money, the devoir of the person that pass in order to represent satisfy the need is genial meaning.

3.** pray blessing: You are ** silently transient person pray blessing, hope they can get be mixinged in safety in the future world happy.

4.** heart is devotional: ** need not special ceremony, need to pray silently only, the blessing that conveys the person that satisfy the need passes and comfort can.

No matter choose which kinds of way, want to maintain devoir and kindness, respect the existence of life.
