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  • "害羞"在英文中通常可以表达为 "shy"。以下是一些相关的英文表达和学习资料,帮助你更好地理解和使用这个词汇。

    单词 "Shy" 的基本用法

    1. 形容词:

      • 描述一个人的性格特点,表示不善于社交或在陌生人面前感到不自在。
      • 例句:She is a shy person and prefers to stay at home rather than going out.
    2. 动词:

      • 表示避开或退缩。
      • 例句:The cat shied away from the stranger.


    • Shyness: 害羞,名词形式。
      • 例句:Shyness is a common feeling that many people experience.
    • Timid: 羞怯的,胆小的。
      • 例句:He is timid and doesn't like to speak in front of a crowd.
    • Introverted: 内向的,倾向于独处。
      • 例句:Introverted people often enjoy spending time alone rather than in groups.
    • Bashful: 羞怯的,容易害羞的。
      • 例句:She felt bashful when she had to give a speech in front of her class.
    • Hesitant: 犹豫的,不果断的。
      • 例句:He was hesitant to ask for help because he didn't want to appear weak.


    • Shy away from: 避开,避免。
      • 例句:Some people shy away from confrontations.
    • Shy off: 避开,退缩。
      • 例句:The dog shied off when it saw the vet.
    • A shy smile: 害羞的微笑。
      • 例句:She gave a shy smile when she saw her crush.
    • Shy of: 缺乏,不足。
      • 例句:He is shy of confidence when it comes to public speaking.


    • In social situations: 在社交场合。
      • 例句:He feels shy in social situations and often finds it hard to make friends.
    • When meeting new people: 遇见新人时。
      • 例句:She gets shy when meeting new people, but she warms up after a while.
    • In public speaking: 在公共演讲中。
      • 例句:Many people feel shy when they have to speak in front of a large audience.


    • Lack of confidence: 缺乏自信。
      • 例句:His shyness stems from a lack of confidence in his abilities.
    • Fear of judgment: 害怕被评判。
      • 例句:She is shy because she fears being judged by others.
    • Social anxiety: 社交焦虑。
      • 例句:Social anxiety can make people feel shy and uncomfortable in social settings.


    • Practice socializing: 练习社交。
      • 例句:The more you practice socializing, the less shy you will feel.
    • Build self-confidence: 建立自信。
      • 例句:Building self-confidence can help you overcome shyness.
    • Join groups or clubs: 加入团体或俱乐部。
      • 例句:Joining a club or group can help you meet new people and feel less shy.
    • Engage in activities you enjoy: 参与你喜欢的活动。
      • 例句:Engaging in activities you enjoy can help you feel more comfortable and less shy.


    • Attachment theory: 依恋理论。
      • 例句:Attachment theory suggests that early relationships can affect a person's level of shyness.
    • Social learning theory: 社会学习理论。
      • 例句:According to social learning theory, shyness can be learned through observing others.
    • Cognitive theories: 认知理论。
      • 例句:Cognitive theories propose that negative thoughts can contribute to shyness.


    • In Western cultures: 在西方文化中。
      • 例句:In Western cultures, shyness is often seen as a negative trait that needs to be overcome.
    • In Eastern cultures: 在东方文化中。
      • 例句:In some Eastern cultures, shyness might be viewed as a sign of modesty and respect.


    • Positive aspects: 积极方面。
      • 例句:While shyness can be a challenge, it can also lead to deep thinking and introspection.
    • Challenges: 挑战。
      • 例句:Shyness can sometimes limit a person's opportunities for personal and professional growth.

